About Me

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Knoxville, TN, United States
Reformed Christian with 1 Wife, 1 Daughter, 1 God (in 3 persons), Sixty-Six Books, 5 Points, 5 Sola's, and 1 Purpose to Glorify God.


Sunday, October 9, 2011


This past Thursday night at the mall, we met a few guys, which some of the names we were able to get and some not.  One of the guys that we met was named Ashley. He was a young man who said he was saved but was out of church, do to the fact he worked in retail and on Sundays. We spoke for a while, and he said “ he knows that he needs to get back in church.” He also thanked us for talking to him. We also met two young men named Angus and Brendan. They both said that they were saved, but after further questioning they began to see themselves as lost. They heard the Gospel and went away thinking about their standing before a Holy God. Please pray for all of the encounters we had at the mall, and that the Holy Spirit will reveal His truth to the young men we spoke with.