About Me

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Knoxville, TN, United States
Reformed Christian with 1 Wife, 1 Daughter, 1 God (in 3 persons), Sixty-Six Books, 5 Points, 5 Sola's, and 1 Purpose to Glorify God.


Monday, June 21, 2010


I know that summer starts today and we are all busy with our jobs and planning our summer vacations. As you begin to plan for this summer, would you also pray about giving to support the ministry of Words of Life. We need people like you who see the great need for evangelism in our backyard. I have said before there is no greater gift to give than one that sows the seeds of the Gospel. Please pray and plan on giving this year monthly, quarterly, or a one time gift. Your gift will buy the seed to share the Gospel. As always all gifts are tax deductible and a receipt is provided. We will also be going out to a different place this Thursday night. We will be going across the street from the Pinnacle movie theater in Turkey Creek to the strip mall to reach the young people that will be in that area this summer. Please pray for us as we go out, and for the people who will hear the Gospel.
"To know HIM and make HIM known"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More quotes

“Our churches are full of the nicest, kindest people who have never known the despair of guilt or the breathless wonder of forgiveness” -P.T. Forsyth

“ Everyone wants to go to Heaven. They just don’t want God to be there, when they get there.” -Paul David Washer

“Have you no wish for others to be saved? Then you are not saved yourself. Be sure of that.”-Charles H. Spurgeon

“There is no justification without sanctification, no forgiveness without renewal of life, no real faith from which the fruits of new obedience do not grow.”
-Martin Luther

“ If Jesus preached the same message minister’s preach today, he would have never been crucified.”
-Leonard Ravenhill

"If there were no God, there would be no atheists.”

“The elect are whosoever will, and the non-elect, whosoever won’t.”
-Henry Ward

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Great Quote!

“ The most important people in the world preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They don’t run nations. They don’t run institutions. They don’t run corporations. They don’t run universities. They make an eternal difference. They’re a saver of life to life and death to death and who is adequate for such things except that one called to minister the Gospel, a more important group than kings, and princes, and presidents, and emperors, and prime ministers, and all others.”  - John MacArthur from the t4g conference 2008

Friday, June 4, 2010

Why is church boring?

I think that is a fair question to ask. A couple of reasons come to mind, maybe the person sitting in the pew is lost and without Christ. Or maybe it is the message being spoken. Ted Kluck (real name) said this,
Church isn’t boring because we’re not showing enough film clips, or because we play an organ instead of guitar. It’s boring because we neuter it of its importance. At the end of my life, I want my friends and family to remember me as someone who battled for the Gospel, who tried to mortify sin in my life, who fought hard for life, and who contended earnestly for the faith. Not just a nice guy who occasionally noticed the splendor of the mountains God created, while otherwise just trying to enjoy myself, manage my schedule, and work on my short game.
I think there is a lot of truth in the statement he makes “neuter it of its importance.” When we preach ANYTHING other than the Gospel however current or relevant it may sound it is boring. We do not need more programs, videos, music, skits, pop-psychology, or emotion driven messages to further the Kingdom of God. John MacArthur said, “Soft preaching makes hard people, but hard preaching makes soft people.” I believe EVERY TIME you stand in the pulpit to speak the central theme and the entire message should be Jesus Christ and Him crucified for the sins of a lost and dying world. What else is there that could be more important, relevant, or current? I believe God is a lot of things, but He is not boring, nor is the message of God and His Son and our redemption. I think of the old hymn, “I Love to Tell the Story” the first verse says,
I love to tell the story of unseen things above, of Jesus and His glory, of Jesus and His love. I love to tell the story because I know ‘tis true, it satisfies my longings as nothing else can do.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Testimony

On July 3rd 2003 for the first time in my life, I repented of my sins and gave my life to Jesus Christ. I was 39 years old at the time. Until then, I had spent my entire life in church. I studied the bible, had been enrolled in Liberty Home Bible Institute, led home Bible studies, and was even on staff at a local church. The entire time I was lost and without Christ. I had “prayed a prayer” in 1993 and without any true fruit of repentance in my life, I assumed I was saved. I had an intellectual knowledge of Jesus Christ, but lacked true repentance. The next 10 years of my life were marked by a hypocritical and habitually unrepentant lifestyle until 2003 when I began to read a devotional by John MacArthur on the assurance of our salvation. The year before that, I was challenged by a godly woman to examine myself to see if I was in the faith. After those two things in my life, I knew for the first time in my life that I was lost, hell bound, and would face judgment from God. Knowing that, I repented of my sins and gave my life to Jesus Christ. Since 2003 until now, I have been telling anyone who will listen the good, no the “Great News of the Gospel.”

"To know HIM and make HIM known"

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

This is just a test....

How do you get to heaven? Are you going? Here’s a quick test. The Bible says God is Holy (I Peter 1:15-16) and demands perfection. (Matthew 5:48) No sin can be in His presence. Let’s take a quick test to see if we will be in Heaven or Hell. The Bible says God is Holy (I Peter 1:15-16) and demands perfection. (Matthew 5:48) No sin can be in His presence. Let’s see how we stack up. Have you ever lied, just once? Yes? Then God sees you as a liar. Have you ever stolen anything? Yes? Then God sees you as a thief. Have you always kept God first in every part of your life? If not, you are guilty of breaking the First Commandment. How are you doing so far? How many have you broken? The Bible says if you have broken just one commandment you have broken all of them. (James 2:10) If you died today (and one day you will), would you be found guilty or innocent on Judgment Day by God’s Holy and Righteous Standard? The Bible warns that if you are found guilty, you will end up in Hell. That’s not God’s will for you. God sent his Son Jesus to suffer and die for YOU on the cross to meet God’s Holy Standard. 
Jesus took YOUR place and punishment upon himself. 
(2 Corinthians 5:21) Please confess your sins, repent (turn away from your sinful ways) and trust and receive Jesus Christ in your life as Lord and Savior. Then read your Bible daily and obey it.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I am pleased to announce that Words of Life now has another corporate sponsor, which is Abuelos Mexican Restaurant in Turkey Creek. Please go by Abuelos on June the 7th between 5-8pm to eat dinner and a percentage of the total sales will go to Words of Life. They have said if it goes well, they will consider doing a fundraiser once a month for the ministry, so please go by and support Words of Life. Also, on June 10th the Sonic at Walker Springs will be doing a fundraiser for the ministry between 5-8pm. If you can’t make it to Abuelos on the 7th go by the Sonic on June 10th. God has been so good to us to open these doors and allow the public to support the ministry and help us share the Gospel. We will also be going out to a different place this Thursday night. We will be going to the Pinnacle movie theater in Turkey Creek. This was a great idea given by one of our board of directors, to reach the young people that will be in that area this summer. Please pray for us as we go out and for the people who will hear the Gospel.

"To know HIM and make HIM known"