About Me

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Knoxville, TN, United States
Reformed Christian with 1 Wife, 1 Daughter, 1 God (in 3 persons), Sixty-Six Books, 5 Points, 5 Sola's, and 1 Purpose to Glorify God.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Great Quote!

“ The most important people in the world preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They don’t run nations. They don’t run institutions. They don’t run corporations. They don’t run universities. They make an eternal difference. They’re a saver of life to life and death to death and who is adequate for such things except that one called to minister the Gospel, a more important group than kings, and princes, and presidents, and emperors, and prime ministers, and all others.”  - John MacArthur from the t4g conference 2008