About Me

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Knoxville, TN, United States
Reformed Christian with 1 Wife, 1 Daughter, 1 God (in 3 persons), Sixty-Six Books, 5 Points, 5 Sola's, and 1 Purpose to Glorify God.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

My Testimony

On July 3rd 2003 for the first time in my life, I repented of my sins and gave my life to Jesus Christ. I was 39 years old at the time. Until then, I had spent my entire life in church. I studied the bible, had been enrolled in Liberty Home Bible Institute, led home Bible studies, and was even on staff at a local church. The entire time I was lost and without Christ. I had “prayed a prayer” in 1993 and without any true fruit of repentance in my life, I assumed I was saved. I had an intellectual knowledge of Jesus Christ, but lacked true repentance. The next 10 years of my life were marked by a hypocritical and habitually unrepentant lifestyle until 2003 when I began to read a devotional by John MacArthur on the assurance of our salvation. The year before that, I was challenged by a godly woman to examine myself to see if I was in the faith. After those two things in my life, I knew for the first time in my life that I was lost, hell bound, and would face judgment from God. Knowing that, I repented of my sins and gave my life to Jesus Christ. Since 2003 until now, I have been telling anyone who will listen the good, no the “Great News of the Gospel.”

"To know HIM and make HIM known"